As I look deeper into my ‘macro’ experimentation, it is
clear that I need to learn a new way of looking at my equipment; for instance ‘normal’
depth of field and apertures cannot be estimated by using the standard
equations or Apps. When you are within a few centimeters of your subject, you
need to account for things that can be ignored if your subject is meters away.
It is also clear that my current experiments are ‘beyond
macro’, as macro is usually defined as 1:1 magnifications, ie 1mm on the image
plane (the sensor) is actually 1mm. What I am experimenting with are
magnifications greater than unity, ie in the micro-photography zone.
Most lens manufacturers tell you what your base lens is
capable of, for instance my 50mm F/1.8
only gives a native magnification of a x0.15, and adding extension tubes would ‘only’
take this maximum magnification to .39x and .68x for 12mm and 25mm tubes
respectively. Which is why, of course, I need to use bellows and/or to use a reversed
50mm lens, say, to get above a magnification of unity.
Before I spend more time in the micro world, ie magnifications
of greater than unity, I thought I would remind myself what a 1:1 magnification
lens could do for me, ie what could I get out of my 100mm F/2.8L?
The set up was simple, my 5DMkIII, my 100mm F/2.8L set at
F/16, an off camera flash and my Promote Remote. Why my Promote Remote, because
I could set the 100mm F/2.8L to auto focus mode and use the Promote to
automatically carry out linear focus steps. In the image below, ‘Dying Days’, I
simply focused on the front of the tulip and, using Promote Remote, moved the
focused to the back of the tulip, and told Promote how many slices I wanted (20
in this case); and pushed the start button. Promote then did the rest, ie drove
the lens to the start and took 20 images from the front to the back of the
tulip, with no intervention from me.
Once ingested into Lightroom, I exported the bracket set to Helicon
Focus for focus stacking, and reimported it back into LR to 'finish off'. Although
the composition is not brilliant, and the flash settings could have been tweaked a
bit, the focus stacking worked really well. Thus, if I can stay in the macro
world, ie 1:1 magnifications, I have a very easy process to capture as many focus
slices as I need, ie using my Promote Remote (or my Cam Ranger).
The challenge is going to be when I move into the micro
world, where the depth of fields are going to be smaller than with my 100mm
macro lens and my current equipment is all manual, eg the camera-bellows-lens system has to be
handraulically driven to change focus, and the (flash) lighting, because my lens will be closer, is going
to need some thinking.
Bottom line: if your subject is of a similar size, or larger
than your camera sensor, then normal or macro techniques will get you what your
want. However, if the subject is, say, just a few plus millimeters, ie, say, a tenth of your DSLR sensor, then you will need to consider other
techniques to nudge you into the micro capture world of magnifications of x2-x4 plus, say. Which is where I will be
going next.
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