Saturday, September 9, 2023

Latest XPan Emulation Experiment

In this short post I'll show how I've adapted my IR converted Canon M10, with its 4.29 micron pixel pitch, using a 35mm Mamiya 645 lens, coupled to a 645-EF adapter, coupled to an EOS EF to M RhinoCam Vertex Rotating Stitching Adapter.

At 35mm, a suitable rotation is 30 degrees. 

After taking 12 images, four with the Vertex, at three angular offsets, I end up with a near perfect XPan 617 image after Lightroom stitching, using the cylindrical projection.

The resultant, B&W processed, image is 18468 x 6518, ie an emulated digital XPan ’negative’ of 79mm x 28mm. That is slightly bigger than the XPan ;-)

The screen grab looks like this:

As usual I welcome any comments on this post or any of my posts.

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