This one is as automated as I can get it. As with previous versions, this one has little error detection so the user must be aware of certain things:
- Check the correct DoF diffraction options are set in ML, eg diffraction aware is on
- Must use a lens that reports focus distance and DoF can be calculated
- Lens must be in AF mode
- Must be in manual mode
- Switch stabilization off as you will not be hand holding ;-)
- Must be in LV mode
- ETTR settings should be no dual-ISO, S/Ns to zero, highlights very low or zero
- ETTR mode, eg SET or SNAP, can be left as your default as the script will protect this
- Image review must not be set to HOLD in Canon menu
- Assumes lens is focused at nearest point to start, ie script moves to infinity
- Script takes last brackets with focus point at infinity
- When exposure bracketing, set base exposure to capture shadows (the script will calculate the ETTR of the scene)
- If ETTR fails, then try adjusting line 58 to give your camera more time (or experiment with less)
Finally, I haven't had a chance to test every scenario, but I'm content it works for me. Here are a couple of test images I took to 'prove things out'. The outdoor shoot was taken in our back garden and there was a little bit of a breeze, so you will see motion in the foliage.
I processed these two (24mm) images fully in Lightroom, using the LR 32-bit HDR technology to process each exposure set of brackets, adjusted one and synced to the others, then took this processed/synced exposure set on a round trip to Helicon Focus from within LR.
As usual I welcome feedback, especially if you are having problems with the script or would like to see some changes.
Landscape auto exposure & focus bracketing script
Release 0.7
This version has little error detection so the user must be aware of certain things:
* Check the correct DoF diffraction options are set in ML, eg diffraction aware is on
* Must use a lens that reports focus distance and DoF can be calculated
* Lens must be in AF mode
* Must be in manual mode
* Switch stabalisation off as you will not be hand holding ;-)
* Must be in LV mode
* ETTR settings should be no dual, S/Ns to zero, highlights very low or zero
* Image review must not be set to HOLD in Canon menu
* Assumes lens is focused at nearest point to start, ie script moves to infinity
* Script takes last bracket with focus point at infinity
* When exposure bracketing, set base exposure to capture shadows (the script will calculate the ETTR of the scene)
* If ETTR fails, then try adjusting line 58 to give your camera more time (or experiment with less)
* Final thought: photography should be relaxing, hence I personally don't mind that this script takes time to run. As it's
* running look around you and enjoy the moment :-)
-- Declare a few variables for the script
a1 = 0
b1 = 0
a2 = 0
b2 = 0
fp = 0
inf = 100000
delay = 0
base_tv = 0
delay = 0
factor = 0
first_call = true
num_brackets = 0
ETTR_tv = 0
base_tv = 0
function check_bookend()
if keymenu.submenu["Bookends?"].value == "yes"
local tv = = 1
camera.shoot(64, false) = tv
function take_brackets()
if keymenu.submenu["Ev bracket delta per image"].value ~= "0"
if first_call
-- Find the ETTR shutter value
base_tv = camera.shutter.apex
local m = menu.get("Auto ETTR","Trigger mode")
menu.set("Auto ETTR","Trigger mode",0) -- set ETTR menu to get an ETTR exposure
local check_tv = 0
repeat -- hang around until ETTR value has stabilised
check_tv = camera.shutter.apex
msleep (4000) -- adjust this for your camera (this works on a 5D3). The time delay allows the ML ETTR to settle down
until check_tv == camera.shutter.apex
ETTR_tv = camera.shutter.apex
menu.set("Auto ETTR","Trigger mode",m) -- reset to user ETTR menu setting
num_brackets = (ETTR_tv - base_tv)/factor
num_brackets = math.floor(math.abs(num_brackets))
if num_brackets <= 1 then num_brackets = 1 end
camera.shutter.apex = ETTR_tv
camera.shoot(64, false)
for i = 1, num_brackets , 1
camera.shutter.apex = camera.shutter.apex - factor
camera.shoot(64, false)
if camera.shutter.apex > base_tv
camera.shutter.apex = base_tv
camera.shoot(64, false)
camera.shoot(64, false)
first_call = false
function albs()
-- check not an EOSM
first_call = true
if camera.model_short == "EOSM"
display.notify_box("Sorry doesn't work with the EOSM", 3000)
base_tv = camera.shutter.apex -- get exposure that is set for the shadows
-- Get DoF info, delay as requested & take first brackets
a2 = lens.dof_near
b2 = lens.dof_far
-- take remaining focus brackets to infinity end
b2 = lens.dof_far
a2 = lens.dof_near
fp = lens.focus_distance
until a2 > b1 or fp >= inf
until fp >= inf
keymenu =
parent = "Shoot",
name = "Auto Focus Bracketing",
help = "Remember: LV, DoF & AF on + focus at nearest point",
submenu =
name = "Run Script",
help = "Does what it says after pressing SET",
select = function(this) task.create(albs) end,
name = "Delay",
help = "Delays script start by stated number of secs",
choices = {"2","5","0"},
update = function(this)
delay = tonumber(keymenu.submenu["Delay"].value)*1000 -- delay in ms
name = "Bookends?",
help = "Places a dark frame at start and end of focus bracket set",
choices = {"no","yes"},
name = "Ev bracket delta per image",
help = "0 = no auto exposure bracketing",
choices = {"0","1","2"}, -- change these values to your own choices
update = function(this)
factor = tonumber(keymenu.submenu["Ev bracket delta per image"].value)
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